How the "Metaverse" Could Change Real-Life Politics

In late 2021, Facebook revealed a name change and a new focus: the metaverse, an internet reality that mimics real-life through immersive computerized simulations. Through virtual reality, users can create avatars that can go to clubs, work meetings, shopping, concerts, etc. While CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been pushing for a politically neutral platform, it's impossible to ignore the potential political implications of the Metaverse. 

Firstly, political scandals in the Metaverse may affect real elections. Any whistleblowing online, especially if it's about racism, sexism, etc., will most definitely be reflected in the real world. Secondly, it could help mobilize fascist movements. There is a real possibility that niche fascist groups could create their own virtual ethno-states which could gain followers from all over the world, which could then begin to manifest in the real world. Thirdly, the Metaverse could allow people to escape important political issues such as climate change. People may become detached from the real world and be blinded to the important issues at our doorstep. 

Overall, the debate on whether the Metaverse is a good thing for humanity will likely go on for a while. But there is no denying that it could have a drastic effect on real-world politics, and that needs to be addressed.

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  1. Your post makes some very valid points. I don't think any social media platform can ever fully escape polarization and be "politically neutral", and what develops within the Metaverse isn't akin to Vegas where what happens there stays there -- it can and will spill over to the real world. As Meta continues to be developed, I'd be interested to see how people grow more disconnected from problems in real life like global warming and the issue of hive-minds and echo chambers become worse. Overall, a compelling read to end my day. Looking forward to your future posts!

  2. I am still a little confused about the overall goals of the Metaverse. When I first heard about the concept I was intrigued, I thought it was cool, and it reminded me of my favorite video game the Sims. On the other hand, the new technology of the Metaverse worries me because the conditions of humans in the real world is serious lacking, however a virtual world is being built. It also concerns me how money id used in the Metaverse, for example the NFTS. NFTs can be purchased and placed in the Metaverse but how are buyers benefiting from these objects in the virtual world? I think we have made crucial advancements in technology, but now it feels we are taking it a little too far.


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